The Creative Space of Rich Marks the Spot. Not aligning to the reasoning of: context, intent, approach, criteria, and outcomes. The opposite of creating content to optimize for traction. Unfiltered creative endeavors from the brain’s cortex to the digital landscapes.


“Nike High Dunks on EBAY” – Playlist #3

/ Music / “Nike High Dunks on EBAY” – Playlist #3
Nike High Dunks on EBAY Playlist

“Nike High Dunks on EBAY” – Playlist #3

The Creativity Combustion playlists fuel my creativity. I collect them too and from work, in the listening room, and occasionally at the office. List created while selling Nike High Dunks on EBAY and various other items.

Previous Playlist -> “RECORDS & VELVET CURTAINS” – PLAYLIST #2

Written By

I lead creative, production, and marketing while directing films that are both entertaining and strategically impactful at Creativity Scientist. Beyond the office, I'm Rich Marks the Spot, exploring unfiltered creativity that fuels innovative digital experiences.

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