The Creative Space of Rich Marks the Spot. Not aligning to the reasoning of: context, intent, approach, criteria, and outcomes. The opposite of creating content to optimize for traction. Unfiltered creative endeavors from the brain’s cortex to the digital landscapes.


The Faces Of AI Giants: Bringing the Big Names to Life!

/ Uncategorized / The Faces Of AI Giants: Bringing the Big Names to Life!
The Faces Of AI Giants: Bringing the Big Names to Life!

The Faces Of AI Giants: Bringing the Big Names to Life!

Have you ever wondered what the masterminds behind the most popular AI software would look like? We decided to get creative and use our artistic talents to imagine these groundbreaking AI systems as real people with AI of course.

Today, we’re showcasing some of the biggest names in AI, reimagined as the brilliant individuals they might be:

Meta Muse (She/Her): Meta AI embodies the artistic and social aspects of AI. Her flowing, electric blue hair reflects the ever-changing nature of the metaverse, while her warm smile and thoughtful eyes hint at the potential for AI to connect us in new and profound ways.

Gemini (They/Them): Our very own creation, Gemini represents the vast knowledge and ever-evolving nature of large language models. Their androgynous features symbolize the universality of information, and the swirling galaxies in their eyes hint at the boundless potential of AI to explore and understand.

ChatGPT the Charismatic (He/Him): Known for his engaging and informative conversations, ChatGPT is reimagined as a charming conversationalist. His sharp wit and friendly demeanor reflect the power of AI to make complex topics approachable.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

P.S. We used Adobe Firefly to create these images. What AI-powered art tools are you using these days? Leave it in the comments

Written By

I lead creative, production, and marketing while directing films that are both entertaining and strategically impactful. Beyond the office, I'm Rich Marks the Spot, exploring unfiltered creativity that fuels innovative digital experiences.

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